Now imagine for a second that such a place turned out to be “just” not needed by people at one fine moment. That vandals would get in there and tear everything apart, unless, of course, time and physical laws did it sooner.
Before you is a real, living example, proof of the lack of a brain in entrepreneurship and people "of higher rank." And there are more than a hundred such examples in the Moscow Region alone!

(Abandoned Camp Library)
It has two territories, on one it was located for a smaller part of the time from its existence, until it moved a little higher, into new 2-storey brick buildings, which differ from the previous wooden houses in more space.
Moreover, both the old territory and the new one are surprisingly preserved.
(Wooden house of the old camp site)
It is amazing that two people could easily fit in such a mini-house.
(Wooden house of the old camp site)
This is how one of the two-story buildings where vacationers lived looks like:
(Two-story residential building of the new territory)
(The ruler opposite the residential building is an old photo from the Internet)
Over time, almost the entire camp is overgrown with grass and weeds, vegetation seeps even through the stone.
On the territory of 4 two-story buildings, on both floors of each of them there are wards for vacationers. We went around all 4 buildings, 3 of them did not succumb to human intervention or time, however, in the 4th, water flowed abundantly from the roof, flooding the entire first floor (it was raining outside). The question arises: "What's next?"
(Hall of the first floor of the residential building)
(Stairs to the second floor of the residential building)
And here is the hall of the second floor from the side of the stairs:
(2nd floor of residential building)
And here he is, from the time when the camp was still working:
(2nd floor of the residential building - old photo from the Internet)
An evacuation plan hangs in this room, on which the purpose of all rooms is signed:
(evacuation plan)
Walking through the rooms where the children and counselors rested, another thing appeared that alerted me. The furniture in each of the rooms was many times less than in the old photos with vacationing children.
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
(chamber of the residential building of the camp - old photo from the Internet)
There was no regularity in the arrangement of furniture, somewhere the beds stood in parallel, somewhere in general a cross to a cross, and somewhere there were none at all.
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
Chairs, armchairs, bedside tables, even a battery - all this was randomly arranged in each of the rooms in its own way.
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
At the far end of the building there was a shower room, where an interesting discovery was made - the plumbing is still working!
(shower room of the camp building)
Let's continue our inspection of the chambers:
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
(chamber of the residential building of the camp - old photo from the Internet)
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
The ceilings are slowly but surely crumbling to the floor:
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
In addition to chairs and batteries, suddenly, in one of the wards, we found an old Soviet TV:
(chamber of the residential building of the camp)
(Soviet TV)
There are toilets at both ends of the 2nd floor of the residential building:
(toilet of the residential building)
(toilet of the residential building)
Surely everyone who rested in such a camp at least once washed their feet in such a "basin":
(toilet of the residential building)
Unlike toilets, the emergency exit is located at only one end. It is located behind these doors:
(housing corridor)
How it looks can be seen in this old photo, in the background:
("wedding" - old photo from the Internet)
It's amazing how much history this camp contains! How many different events took place within its walls: fairs, games, evenings by the fire!
How many children here rejoiced at small victories and missed their parents, sat painstakingly, embroidering with a cross, burning wood.
And where does all this go now? - Collapses with bricks and overgrown with weeds.
Someone is happy, someone already has time to miss their parents, but everyone settles in their wards and sorts things out.
And what is captured in the following photo is commented by the people who were resting at that time:
“I remember it! On that day, a flood occurred in one of the buildings, flooding the entire first floor knee-deep! However, the guys went outside and had fun, which cannot be said about the counselors, and the cleaning lady was generally shocked!”
(flood in the camp - old photo from the Internet)
The fair is a very significant event in the life of many camps! Its main idea is the passage of competitions for which points are given. At the end of the event, participants can spend their accumulated points on treats and prizes.
(camp fair - old photo from internet)
In the photo below - the building, which houses the dining room, library, assembly hall and much more.
(one of the camp buildings)
It can be seen how the balcony literally crumbles from the irreversible action of time:
(one of the camp buildings)
The building is two-story, like all the others.
(stairs to the second floor)
On the second floor you can find a dining room, a kitchen. As soon as you climb the stairs, you find yourself in front of a row of shells:
No wonder, after all, before eating, they always wash their hands.
Further, turning to the right, you find yourself in a huge hall, furnished with tables and chairs. One gets the impression that the camp has not been abandoned for several years, and the canteen only served vacationers yesterday.
(canteen of the camp)
(canteen of the camp)
(canteen of the camp)
The kitchen looks exactly the same as if it was left just yesterday. Confused, perhaps, only crumbling ceilings.
(camp kitchen)
(camp kitchen)
(camp kitchen)
(camp kitchen)
The next photo was found on the Internet, it is clear that the “young cooks” are standing right in the same place captured in the previous photo!
(young chefs - old photo from the Internet)
(camp kitchen)
(camp kitchen)
(camp kitchen)
(camp kitchen)
Photos of several rooms related directly to the kitchen:
(kitchen areas of the camp)
(kitchen areas of the camp)
Going down to the first floor, we continued to inspect the premises.
In their free time, vacationers could even afford to play billiards!
(a pool table)
Special attention should be paid to the assembly hall. Even the last days of its existence (~2007) the camp lived under the slogan “Lenin's name in everyone's heart! We will prove loyalty to the Party by deeds!”
It is now empty. It is even hard to imagine how many people passed through this hall, how many events happened here! Performances, competitions, discos!
Here is a selection of old photos taken in this room:
(assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
(assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
(assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
And this is newer:
(assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
And of course, where without books? On the first floor of this building there is a huge library with 7.5 thousand books (according to official data). Everything is collected here: from Soviet literature to foreign science fiction of the 20th century, from scientific and educational literature about the rocket and space age, to Russian classics. All this has sunk into oblivion!
(Abandoned Camp Library)
(Abandoned Camp Library)
(Abandoned Camp Library)
(Abandoned Camp Library)

2 Responses
Это мой пионерский лагерь, моя зарница ! Я думаю лет 7 подряд я туда ездила , и на новую территорию и когда подросла класса с 3 наверное это уже были отряды на старой территории. Зимний лагерь тоже был , но только на новой территории. Моя мама работала на астрофизике . Это были 4 больших предприятия в Москве. Каждый год. 2 первые смены . Дети и вожатые знали друг друга из года в год . В начале девяностых на новой территории делали дом отдыха , я там с мамой отдыхала и потом лет в 18 на выходные с друзьями. И потом года в 23 просила мужа меня туда отвезти. Так хотелось увидеть лагерь своего детства ! Линейку не сфотографировали , танцплощадку, аллею пионеров-героев. Мне моя зарница до сих снится ! Я до сих пор во сне туда еду.
Эх, прямо в детство погрузился, был в этом лагере по 2 смены каждый год, в 80-х годах, как давно это было, а сейчас уже и НПО «Астрофизика» снесли, кому принадлежал это лагерь.