Pioneer camp "Zenith" is amazing in its own way. This year he turned 33. Basically, the Soviet camps are very quickly destroyed by the barbarians. However, this one, with one guard in the form of a shepherd, has been standing safe and sound for a dozen years.

By the way, this camp has nothing to do with the football team, it was sponsored by the RSK MiG, which at the moment, not only the camp, is not itself funded. Now it is in such a state that it will take a lot of money to restore it. So much so that it’s easier to demolish everything and adapt the territory for something else. However, the camp is still standing, standing, standing ...
(Plate with the name of the camp and its sponsor)
The territory itself is a set of 1-2 storey buildings, among which there are residential buildings, a dining room, an insulator. It is noteworthy that one of the two-story buildings is occupied to capacity with educational and entertainment accessories. Library, game room, embroidery, wood burning, etc. There is also a swimming pool, overgrown with vegetation, a water tower, several garages and (!) 4 trucks. The territory is fenced with a crumbling wooden fence, under which it is enough to bend down to get on it.
(Camp buildings)
The first building we got to was (as it turned out later) the back room of my grandfather, who grazes goats in the camp. At first we wondered why the room was littered with hay up to the ceiling, but when we got out of the building through the window in front of the shepherd and his animals, everything fell into place. “Now he will drive us out of here,” we thought in unison. But no, the grandfather said something indistinct in a very friendly voice and froze intently in anticipation of an answer. Only from the 3rd time did we understand what he was asking. His question consisted of one single word: "Nostalgia."
- Yes Yes! We rested here, came to see what happened to the camp now.
“Understood,” Grandfather said drawlingly, sighing.
(hull with hay)
After getting to know my grandfather, we more confidently headed towards the buildings. Passing by the pool - we lingered for a second.
(Pool overgrown with grass)
I managed to find old photos of this camp on the Internet, here is how the pool looked before:
(Pool - old photo from the Internet)
Far end:
(Pool - old photo from the Internet)
(Pool - old photo from the Internet)
The first building we visited was the dining room. In the photo - on the left.
(Camp buildings)
Unfortunately, all the tables and chairs were either taken out or put in one heap. We did not find them at all in the camp.
(Camp canteen)
(Camp canteen)
(Camp canteen)
(Camp canteen)
(Camp canteen)
(Camp canteen)
(Camp canteen)
Point of issue of bread:
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
Behind this door is the bread warehouse, where there are storage cabinets and a cutting machine. Nothing extra.
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
(Apparatus for cutting bread)
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
(Camp canteen - bread distribution point)
Refrigerators, if I'm not mistaken:
(Canteen of the camp - refrigerators)
(Metal stirrers)
(Lock and heck)
Faucets for washing hands:
After inspecting the dining room, we went to explore the rest of the camp buildings.
(Camp buildings)
Behind the glass:
(One of the buildings)
Some kind of a corral:
And here are the old photos of the line held at the camp. All of them are literally full of communism.
(The ruler is an old photo from the Internet)
(The ruler is an old photo from the Internet)
(The ruler is an old photo from the Internet)
(The ruler is an old photo from the Internet)
(The ruler is an old photo from the Internet)
We head to the residential building. Of all the buildings, it is the worst preserved.
(Stairs of residential building)
(Living room)
We did not understand the purpose of this body. There were empty rooms, swings and interior items were piled in the hall, there were wardrobes for clothes and things, just like in a kindergarten.
(One of the camp buildings)
(One of the camp buildings)
There are also toilets here. And not just toilets, but madam's and gentlemen's!
By the way, in the next photo, the pioneers seem to be standing at the entrance to this particular building.
(Pioneers at the entrance to the camp building - old photo from the Internet)
Let's move on to see other buildings.
(Children's slide)
Another old photo in which I did not understand what was happening:
(Pioneers - old photo from the Internet)
Insulator. The best preserved dental office in it.
(Isolator - dental office)
(Isolator - dental office)
(Isolator - dental office)
Interestingly, I found old photographs from the assembly hall on the Internet, but, alas, I could not find it on the territory of the camp. And he must be!
(Assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
(Assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
(Assembly hall - old photo from the Internet)
Responsible for the fire condition comrade:
(Plate at the entrance to the garage)
As I wrote earlier, there are 4 trucks in the camp:
(Trucks in the camp)
(Trucks in the camp)
We continue the inspection, this time we go straight to the "entertainment" building, where the library, game room, classroom, etc. are located.
(Entertainment building of the camp)
We go upstairs and look into the windows:
(Entertainment building of the camp)
(Entertainment building of the camp)
Some active camps will envy such a set of slot machines!
(Entertainment building of the camp)
(Entertainment building of the camp)
The partner shoots masterpieces:
(Entertainment building of the camp)
(Entertainment building of the camp)
(Entertainment building of the camp)
(Entertainment building of the camp)
At the window you can see such a still life:
(Entertainment building of the camp)
By the way, modern children's camps near Moscow can envy not only a set of slot machines. There was a very interesting variety of circles at Zenit, as evidenced by old photographs:
(Modeling circle - old photo from the Internet)
(Football competition - old photo from the Internet)
(The knitting circle is an old photo from the Internet)
(Fair - old photo from the Internet)
In the next room, a small warehouse of books was found, for some reason not being in the library and pioneer banners:
And here is the library!
In the room next to the library, apparently, there was a reading room. There are no bookshelves here, but there is a table and a bunch of informational posters.
(Reading room)
(Posters in the reading room)
(Posters in the reading room)
Next to the library we find a classroom:
Through the wall, a room is found where the children did crafts:
(Embroidery Circle)
(Embroidery Circle)
(Embroidery Circle)
(Embroidery Circle)
(circle of burning out)
(circle of burning out)
It is getting dark, the last train will leave soon, so we finally decided to take a walk around the territory again and meet the sunset on the water tower.
At one of the buildings, to our surprise, a monument to the hero of the Great Patriotic War was found.
(Monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War)
Water tower:
She's in the background:
(Pioneers - old photo from the Internet)
Next to her, we again crossed paths with my grandfather. Just in case, they asked him how he looks at the fact that we will climb up. “Climb, just don’t be a hooligan!” grandfather replied.
Forward, up!
Somewhere in the middle of the tower, we discovered that our last train to Moscow would leave earlier than expected. We were forced to retreat very quickly from the territory and get to the local railway station.
Already from the platform managed to capture a wonderful picture:
(Migratory birds)
That's all, thanks!